Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Kaden is such a character and has such a cute and outgoing personality. It is so amazing to me where one day I can hardly make sense of his gibberish and the next day completely understand what he says and actually communicate with him. He is such a charmer and anyone that passes by he will raise his right hand and say in couple octaves lower,"HI". He loves planes and is always on the look out for any in the sky when we are outside. Kaden loves his baby brother Jack and sometimes shares his beloved cars with him. But the best part is when he lays on the ground next to jack and gets real close and says" awwww baby" and lays a big one on the top of Jack's head. Kaden has always been extremely gentle with Jack but not so nice with the cat. We are working on that. He loves his bucket of cars, all the plastic spoons in the drawers, and lately loves to where my watch where ever he goes even at bath time and to bed if daddy will let him.

Jack is six months now and it just blows me away how time flies. He rolls and is trying his hardest to scoot across the floor. He loves to watch whatever Kaden is doing and is always babbling and laughing lately. He is so happy to take car rides and for that fact likes to be anywhere but the house. He is easy going and overall a happy baby. I can hardly wait for Jack to get a little bigger and to see all the fun stages he will go thru.

We are so blessed to have these two sweet, sweet boys who chose us as their parents on this earth. We pray daily for guidance to lead them on the path of righteousness and to teach them of the love our Heavenly Father has for them.


Anonymous said...

Those two are SO are going to have your hands full when they get older...the girls will be knocking on your door.

Chad, Shannon and the boys said...

Hey Rachel. Thanks to you and Summer I finally have my blog started. :-) Hope things are going good for you and your family. Your boys are adorable. I love your looks great. ~Shannon