Monday, April 14, 2008

Yesterday we blessed Jackson in our home ward out in Queen Creek. Wow, it seems like just yesterday we blessed Kaden and now I have another. Of course I forget to check if his blessing outfit needed to be cleaned , and sure enough there was spit up from Kaden all over the front. See Kaden had projectile spit-up til he was six months and thank goodness Jackson hasn't ever spit up. Just my luck!! With a little tooth brush scrub and some shout, you could barely notice the big yellow stains:).

My family fortunately was able to come and bring out Grandma Shumway for the very early meeting. We sure miss Bekah who is up at the Y and Danny who is serving a full time mission in California, who is by the way coming home in July!!!!! We also missed very much all the family in California who weren't able to make it out. It was awesome to have my brother Spencer, who received the Melchizedek Priesthood last week, stand in the circle. Very cool since he will be leaving on his mission soon. Also my father, brother-in-law Dal, and other brothers from the ward stood in. Alan gave the most beautiful blessing and the sweet little baby didn't even cry. For the most part, I was able to scribble down the blessing to put into his baby book. I bore my testimony that morning and expressed my love and gratitude to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with these two beautiful children and the comfort I have knowing we are sealed together as a family for eternity.We stayed and went to our classes which was fun to have my mother there and of course all the girls in the ward were goo-goo over Dallin. We all went to my house and BBQ chicken and finished with a family activity of watching the Master's golf tournament. BORING!!!! but besides the that, it was a wonderful day.


Bekah Parker said...

That is a really good picture of everybody! Check your spelling on stayed. Love ya!!!

Pepper Lovin! said...

Fun! K so when are we getting together? I want to play.

salena said...

Hey..our kids share the same blessing day! I used Bastien's old blessing outfit on one of the boys, too. was during the pre-spit up days for Bastien, otherwise I wouldve been in the same boat!