Friday, April 18, 2008

Jackson D

Jackson is growing so fast! He is only 7 weeks old and I have caught him cooing and he is starting to smile. The best is when babies cry and as soon as they hear your voice they start to calm. I love it!! He is such a good baby and is a good mix between Alan and I. For the last couple of nights he has slept 8 hours and hopefully will cut out the last feeding on his own. Then we are on our way to the 12-13 hour nights of sleep. YEAH!!! We will see. I owe it all to the best book in the world, " Be Baby Wise." I wont get started on how wonderful it is, but I encourage every mother to at least read it to see if it would work for them. I keep trying to remind myself that all the laundry, toys, and dishes can wait, cause are children are only this little once.


Red & White Cigarettes said...

I’ve recently visited your blog and may say that it is both delightful and admirable, no one could have done a better job! The pictures are indeed adorable and the content is extremely interesting. This is the case when I have a chance to call your blog charming and captivating at one time! I’ve immediately added it to my favorite links and cannot imagine a more outstanding place to spend my time at!

Bekah Parker said...

He is so cute! And getting so big.

Pepper Lovin! said...

yo you I told ya so! :)