Friday, April 11, 2008

Here we go again!!!!

Well if you didn't know Alan has been testing through various fire departments for the last year. It is a very drawn out process and very draining. He got through to the second interview for Chandler back in November and they only picked 30 guys out of 100. Well obviously he didn't get picked, but that was ok.....on to the next department. Three weeks ago he tested with Tempe and today we got the letter asking for an interview!!! Yeah!!. We are at least moving in the right direction. So keep your fingers crossed....well keep you posted.


Bekah Parker said...

That's awesome! I didn't know that. I will keep it in my prayers all week that he does well on the interview!

Pepper Lovin! said...

Yeah! I will keep them crossed! Then maybe you'll move closer sooner.